Here are the ways to get APP crash log both on iOS and aOS devices, please have a view:


The crash log is auto-catched on iOS device:

1. Open Device Setting

2. Click Privacy option

3. Click Analytics option

4. Click Analytics Data option

5. Select and click the .ips doc(according to app name and time)

6. Share/Export the document 


Method 1: Use Android Device Monitor from Android Studio

  1. Install Android Studio from \\PublicShared\QA\Software
  2. Copy android sdk to local machine from \\PublicShared\QA\Software, and uncompressing it
  3. Open Android Studio, set the sdk path via File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
  4. Select Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor
    Set device to the Debug model, and select the definite APP your want to be debugged
  5. Connect mobile to USB, the device will be shown in the Device List, select it, any logs on the device will be shown in LogCat window

Method 2: Use adb commands in CMD directly

  1. Copy android sdk to local machine from \\PublicShared\QA\Software, and uncompressing it
  2. Set environment variables:
    android = [sdk location]\tools; [sdk location]\platform-tools;

path = %android%;

  1. Open windows cmd, input “adb version”, check if adb is usable
  2. Set device to the Debug model, and select the definite APP your want to be debugged
  3. Connect device to USB and Use “adb logcat > XX.txt” to save device log