How to get App crashed log.
条评论Here are the ways to get APP crash log both on iOS and aOS devices, please have a view:
The crash log is auto-catched on iOS device:
1. Open Device Setting
2. Click Privacy option
3. Click Analytics option
4. Click Analytics Data option
5. Select and click the .ips doc(according to app name and time)
6. Share/Export the document
Method 1: Use Android Device Monitor from Android Studio
- Install Android Studio from \\PublicShared\QA\Software
- Copy android sdk to local machine from \\PublicShared\QA\Software, and uncompressing it
- Open Android Studio, set the sdk path via File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
- Select Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor
Set device to the Debug model, and select the definite APP your want to be debugged - Connect mobile to USB, the device will be shown in the Device List, select it, any logs on the device will be shown in LogCat window
Method 2: Use adb commands in CMD directly
- Copy android sdk to local machine from \\PublicShared\QA\Software, and uncompressing it
- Set environment variables:
android = [sdk location]\tools; [sdk location]\platform-tools;
path = %android%;
- Open windows cmd, input “adb version”, check if adb is usable
- Set device to the Debug model, and select the definite APP your want to be debugged
- Connect device to USB and Use “adb logcat > XX.txt” to save device log